Hey, Chick, can I come with you when you kick her in the behind? Maybe both of us can do that together! I'm glad you are reporting her.
I don't go to walk-in's either. I figure that if the doctors were really good, they wouldn't be in a walk-in! I did go to one once. Was diagnosed with pink eye. It turned out to be iritis...which, if I hadn't gone to the optholomogist, I would have gone blind...both eyes no less! So I have no use for walk-in clinics.
I am glad you went to the ER, though, and were treated with respect. They will get to the bottom of this. I had my kidney function go REALLY bad on me and, in my case, it was medication that I was taking! Once I stopped the medication, my kidney function went back to normal. So, try not to let your mind run away with you. I've been terribly sick at times and I'm doing fine now.
Let us know what's up! I'm praying for you.