I have insomnia as well, I was prescribed Ambien and some days it works great..others nothing but sheer exhaustion puts me to sleep. *I'm still awake at 6:45am because I found out I have Bradycardia, my heart beats very slowly, so I'm afraid to take the ambien and risk it dropping "TOO" low. I'll have to ask my doctor, until then..I'm just sucking up the insomnia. I usually take two if I really need to get to sleep, they're 10mg tabs. My mom takes Melatonin and that works really well for her..
I'm prescribed Vicodin for pain, that relaxes me quite a bit and takes the edge off..I'm not convinced it's the best medicine for fibro. However, I've tried other medications and they all made me too nauseous. (cymbalta and savella were my worst experiences..they actually helped with my pain, but just made me so sick I couldn't take them anymore)
Being in pain and finding a comfortable position is ROUGH, to say the least.. When I was pregnant with my daughter my mom bought me a pregnancy pillow. It's the kind that goes all the way around you, like having a pillow under your head and a body pillow on either side. I still use it, I can have back support and something between my knees..it definitely helps. They are expensive though. I like it because it's one pillow, it doesn't fall off the bed as I'm swimming in it. Still, a nice fortress of pillows is always comforting.