It's me again!
I suffered severe trauma to my spine in 2001 after being involved in a bad car accident. I also suffered nerve and muscle damage as well. I did one and a half years of physical therapy. My life when down hill after that. Since 2001 I have been in 4 additional car accidents (none of them my fault by the way!) So my spine has suffered a lot and I have been paying the price ever since. I'm in pain all day every day. I was diagnosed with fibro in 2006. Is there anyone else that has been diagnosed with fibro after suffering any trauma to their spine, nerves, and/or muscles? Just wondering.
Like I said before, my husband thinks that fibromyalgia "isn't real" and that i'm crazy. He believes that I'm in pain but it's due to my spine trauma, nerve damage, muscle damage, and thyroid disease. He only believes this because he has seen medical records from my pain and spine specialist and my neuro. I so totally disagree with him! My pain is sooo real and it is NOT normal to feel like I have been run over by a truck and have this chronic fatigue in addition to my thyroid disease and back problems. UGH! sorry to vent on you guys.... LOL