silentstorm29,sotiredoffibro,msbunky,vestabula, livenlaugh and sherrine,
I want to THANK each and EVERYONEONE of you!!!
I am OVERJOYED I found this forum, Everyone is so KIND!
I cannot say Thank You Enough, I am going to try to reply to each of you, I
Am trying to get ready for work. UGH!!!
A Quickie to answer a few questios, I am seeing a counseler but her schedule is limited
and she is DROPPING THE BALL!!!
Yes, My COPD TERRIFIES ME!!! I am afraid I will not recieve proper treatment, it has
happened too many times in the past. I have SO MANY HORROR stories I could tell you all about this Govt. hospital it would make your stomache turn. It has been on the Local News more than once!!! You have to sign a "LIMETED LIABILITY" staement saying (more or less) that if they cut off the WRONG leg you will seek NO MORE than 100.000 dollars, if they kill you, your child etc, you will seek no more than 200,000 dollars. It happened to two women (cut off the wrong leg) they were on the Local news, their Atty. said he did not know if he would be able to get them compensation or not, partly because of the "STATEMENT you have to sign and due to Floridas Malpractice laws.
The last few times I signed this, I crossed thru the amounts, the girl looked at me and I said, "I do not Agree with this, If they cut the wrong leg off or whatever OTHER mistakes they make, I want MORE than THAT!!! " I am waiting to get TOLD that if I do not agree, they will NOT see me.
This is a MAJOR TEACHING HOSPITAL, the residents have to learn what will happen if they do this, what will happen if they don't do this etc...TRUST me when I say SOMETIMES you are a LAB RAT to them.
I called an ATTY. once about something that happened and was told NO ATTY. would take the case because 100,000 would'nt even cover the paperwork, much less pay them, their employees, court fees, experts to testify etc... This place knows they can get away with whatever they do.
Haveto get ready for work now, will post later.