MsBunky said...
That's wonderful news SilentStorm!
I am low on Vit. D (as are many others in this forum) so I've been taking high doses on the advice of my doctor. The only problem I've run into is that every time I try to swallow one of the pills, it gets stuck at the back of my throat, and then really hurts when it finally disappears. I've been having some dysphasia (difficulty swallowing) ever since my surgery for GERD in 2004, but most pills are okay. It's not even that these aren't coated (they're just like a tylenol) - they just won't go down on the first swallow (and yes, I've tried every swallowing trick out there).
At any rate, you have conquered your Vit. D deficiency, and that's just terrific!! Did you do it using pills, food or sun, or a combination? I hope you don't have any further problems. Thanks for sharing...that gives hope to others in the same boat!
I've just been taking my vit. Daily but I do go out first thing in the morning and stand in the direct sunlight, no shoes, and just soak it up for at least ten minutes! I also take fish oil. It probley helps that I now have a hammok I lay on! :)