You could have an MRI to check out all of the structural stuff in your brain. But the neuropsychological tests check out how the brain is actually functioning.
There are a whole variety of tests. It looks like your getting approximately a half battery of the tests. The neuropsych probably decided which ones to do based on the interview. Mine took about 7 1/2 hrs.
Just do your best on everything. It's tiring. But the pyschometrist (person giving the tests) should be very accomodating. You should be able to take breaks when you need them. After sitting for a while I would get up to stretch while she was preparing the next set of tests.
I had a very good neuropysch. He wrote up an execellent summary. While much of my cognitive stuff is still very good, the test turned up specific deficits - some were pretty major. Mostly the stuff I needed to do my job. Slow processing speed, decreased cognitive flexibilty, matrix reasoning and problem solving. There was an IQ drop. The neuropsych tests I think really helped me get SSDI.
There will also probably be another appt. where you will go over your test results.
Hope this helps. Just be sure to ask for breaks or get up and stretch when you need to