Hi everyone, I joined this forum 2yrs ago after a severe flare-up of my Ulcerative Colitis. It took a rough 2yrs to get my UC to midly controlled. Since, I have had some other issues and I can't find one doctor to help me. I've been told its anxiety, depression, hypochondriac. I have finally hit a dead point. Here are my symptoms...Do any of you believe this might be fibro?
Constant generalized body pain
Pain in my wrists, fingers, knees ankles, feet etc..
Flares of numbness & tingling in my hands, fingers, legs, & feet. This can start in one extremity and move to the next. It may last days or minutes.
Raynauds for as long as I can remember..
Severe back pain. Mostly lower back but Upper back and the middle of my spine.
Muscle Twitches/jerks that occur randomly all over my body
Muscle spasms all the time
Recent change in vision: blurred ( even after new contact prescription), sensitive to light, dry eyes, mouth
Abnormal EEG showing Frontal lobe seizures
Body stiffness, I have had 3 episodes where I lost the ability to move either my right or left leg, foot drag, stiffness in my leg muscles
Poor ROM- I can no longer bend over.
I have had extensive test MRI's, X-rays, blood work, Spinal taps, EMG/NCV etc..showing nothing.
Can anyone give me advice?