Hi Austen,
Oh yeah, does that ever hurt! I have had a problem w/ the cuff and also the tourniquet. I have been taking several meds for HBP for several yrs, so each time I go to the dr they ck my bp. The dr also told me to get a set for home, to ck my DH's and my BP. I hurt so badly when it tightens. I feel like I'm gritting my teeth.
My DH was in the hospital awhile back, so at our follow up visit w/ dr, she told us DH was NOT to take his bp med if his diastolic was below 60. So I watched that like a hawk. Recently, my diastolic was 60 or below, so I didn't take my dose of meds. I had a visit w/ my cardiologist 2 days later and decided to bring a sample of my readings for the past wk. He was more concerned w/ my systolic. I couldn't hit 110. Many times in the mid-hi 90's, several low 100's. He had me reading my bp several times per day and to dose or NOT dose accordingly.
I had to go to my pcp yesterday for stuff re my DH, I wrote down all my numbers for the past few wks. My pcp's DH is also a dr and he saw us. He said I was off all bp meds and I was sent for immediate blood work. I'm waiting for the results. My numbers were low for quite awhile, but never in the drs office.
Regarding the tightness of the cuff, I find it more so when my systolic is lower than it should be. IF my sys is 110, the cuff is horrible, if my sys is lower, the cuff is unbearable. It is weird how you entertain yourself by trying to gauge your numbers by the level of pain. My arm hurts terribly after each test, so I dread the next test.
Someone at HW (I can't remember who - surprise! ) said if someone, even you, is taking your BP and the cuff stops inflating, then starts up again, stop the test, deflate the cuff and start over. That does happen to me, even in the drs office. My arm hurts unbearably w/ that mishap.
I am amazed at the things 'other' ppl don't find painful. Hopefully, we will all have a pain free day today and tomorrow and ...
God bless. Alice.