What meds are you on copsing? I take tramadol and it has brought on muscle twitches, and than progressed to harder jerks, and I now have tinnitis too!
I do also have hearing loss, and have an appointment with an ear Nose & throat doc on thursday. The hearing loss started several years ago, before the fibro struck. I know it is getting worse, as it's getting where I sometimes cannot make out what my hubby is saying with him right next to me. I am wondering what a hearing test will reveal. It is frustrating, but such is life, we just have to keep the faith, and be thankful for the good.
I am seeing my PCP on Friday about switching to something else for pain, tried codeine, and it was awful, I went into bad withdrawel symptoms! My doctor says she just does not prescribe narcotics. I say why are we judged guilty of being drug seekers when they do have no idea if we are or not, why not give a person the benefit of the doubt especially when they know we have conditions that cause chronic pain? To me this is all new and quite maddening.
Sorry for straying off the topic, I guess I felt the need to vent, but know I should start a new post for it.
I pray you find out whats going on, and please let us know.