hello everyone.. im just so confused and tired already and am looking for some help
I dont know if I have fibromyalgia or not. doctors havent been able to figure out what I have for the past year. I am 26 years old and a female. I have not been to work for almost a year.I dont get out of the house much only to go to doctors, tests, or ER's
it all started exactly one year ago. I would get horrible muscle knots in my shoulders and shoulder blades and get real bad headaches and pressure headaches. then I started getting nervousness and anxiety. the headaches have been everyday since then. its like I have a tigh rubber band tied around my entire head and face, theres days that I just burn all over usually waist up even my face, it feels like my skin has been scraped off, also have sinus like face pains (i dont have sinus or allergy problems) doctors have been telling me its "all in my head" and its just anxiety this whole time. Ive tried therapy, psychiatrists, xanax, and anti depressents and NOTHING helps. I also had my thyroid removed about 4 months ago (my symptoms are the same if my levels are high, low or normal) I have pains in my arms, hands, fingers, face, neck, shoulders, lower back, and head on a daily basis. I get numbness in my fingers, shaky hands, my legs are twitching NON stop, i feel like i have a vibrator in my legs. im dizzy (not spinning dizzy) but like an off balance feeling all the time. i feel like im going to fall when im sitting or standing. I cant really walk much due to this. I also have acid refllux and IBS. I was diagnosed by a gastroenterologist after I had an endoscopy done, and I have horrible TMJ. You can hear the clicks from my jaw standing feets away from me. I've had brain CT scan and MRI done. Ive been tested for lupus and other autoimmune diseases (before my thyroid surgery) blood count is normal HIV test is negative. I do have low vitamin D which is at 14 and ive been taking vitamin D for it. I recently went to a rheuamtologist which did some "tests" as in pushing down my arms and legs and said my muscles are weak. I then asked him about fibromyalgia and he said he doesnt like to diagnose it. and dizziness and muscle weakness are NOT symptoms of fibromyalgia. but the pains, burning and etc could be. i really dont think he knew what he was talking about too much. I also have another appointment with a rheumatologist in about a week at UCLA and im sure this 1 will be better. im just looking for some help until then. also I had a neck mri done and all it showed was the muscles in my neck are really tight. anyway thanks for taking the time out to hear me out. I would love to hear from anyone regarding this subject!