I pretty much follow the diet I found on the IBS forum here - lots of starches, less of everything else...definitely not what we've been taught is healthy, but it has helped me quite a bit.
I'm SO sick of always having to weigh the pros and cons of everything I stick in my mouth. I always have to make sure I take some rice cakes or something similar with me when I go anywhere. I've lost weight without wanting to (which is ok as long as it doesn't go further) but it's really taken away a lot of the pleasure of eating. Pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and/or constipation are always ready to strike if I eat half a chocolate cookie or too many bites of salad. What's worse, my daughters have similar issues, and they're only in their 20s! I'm HOPING they don't have fibro, but I see possible signs - not that I tell them that.
I know IBS and fibro often go together, I just wonder if it's bad enough to be a dominant factor in a lot of your lives?