Ugh, I'm so sorry that more keeps going on Robin. I truly hope your Drs find an answer soon! I always love when my appointments end with a list of things to watch out for and being on high alert
for having to go to the ER - such an unsettling feeling. But as always, I'm so amazed by your wonderfully positive attitude. You are truly an inspiration to many, but especially to me.
I have been in cognitive therapy for the past 2 months to help me cope with all the stress of what I've been through and helping me through my new symptoms that keep coming. Just today the Dr. noted how my attitude seems so much better and I seem to have a brighter outlook. I attributed so much of it to this forum. Seeing other people handling similar stressful situations in such positive ways has really been helpful for me! It has made me realize that it is so much easier to get through rather than seeing every new symptom or setback as a catastrophe.
I am sorry you can't exercise as I know that is part of your routine and what helps you with your pain :(
I continue to hope and pray that you get an answer soon and that you find some relief. In the meantime, I know your positive attidue is helping you cope with all of this.