Are the swamp coolers making it too cool for you? Maybe you don't need to have them on constantly. Or, you might just have to dress warmer if coldness is the problem.
Your stress is probably causing more problems than the swamp coolers! I can see it in your writing. You are projecting yourself in the future instead of taking one day at a time and dealing with the one day. You can find ways of working around fibro instead of fibro controlling you to the extent that you move. Arthritis doesn't help at all and I hope you are getting help for that.
But, as for the fibro, just stop and think what you can do to help be more comfortable. We might have some ideas too if you have questions. Sometimes I come up with some really weird ways of working around fibro but, hey, if it works, I do it! There is nothing we can do about the weather. We all deal with that but we deal with day at a time.