Hey Y'all
I'm going for 1st of 2 sleep studies tomorrow night and feeling anxious. I kind of obsess over sleep be cause altho I sleep long enough, I wake up exhausted. I have taken ambien, lunesta valium dalmane and seroquel at nite before with no luck. They knock me out but don't ever feel refreshed. So, going someplace strange with a zillion electrodes thingies everywhere is hard. My PLMD (sleeping version of restless legs) is so severe doc says it brings me close to awake 20-30 times and hour. No wonder!!!
They told me to take regular meds, which at night is just some generic benadryl now. I'm bringing my lucky pillow-lol. Any tips from my wise and wonderful co-fmers? My husband says every day "Well, you looked like you were sleeping fine to me" AAARRRRGGGGHHHH-it is not quantity it is quality!!! Anybody else hear the same thing? Thanks