I am on b12 shots and my levels are back to normal now, but still no relief. My b12 wasn't extremely low the begin with but my vitamin d level was. That hasn't reached normal levels yet but I am taking medication for that.
I don't know what is causing it. It seemed to start after my spinal pain did. I've had x-rays and ct scans and nothing significant showed on them, other than degeneration, bone spurs, and some disc narrowing, everything looked okay. My neurologist said my neuropathy is too widespread to be due to my spine, so I haven't insisted for an MRI. If I was to take a guess, I would say it's from Lupus. This seems to have worsened from exposure to sunlight. It's so bad right now, I just want to cry. I can't get ahold of any of my physicians because it's the 4th of July.
I get muscle spasms too and for whatever reason, narcotics or muscle relaxants seem to highten those spasms.
I am also worried about a medication toxicity, since I take alot of prescription medications. If I was to stop them for awhile, and this went away, that would be so great, but I don't know how I could stand it without them. I wouldn't be able to sleep and I feel like I would go completely crazy without plaquenil.
My skin is getting very itchy too, and I have tried hydrocortisone cream and it's not helping. I think that is because the tingling is making me itchy and it's internal, but once I start scratching, I am all red externally. Think anything would help better than what I am using?