My neuro and I talked about
B12 shots and he told me it's an individual decision. He says you can raise your B12 just as well, maybe better with pills instead of shots..stating that many people prefer the shot simply because they do not remember the pills daily.
When taking B12, always take methylcobalamin, it's much easier for us to absorb. I use Jarrow Methyl B12, 5000 place it under your tongue and let it dissolve. I purchase it through find you can't find this strength in stores. I have been taking it for 5 years, starting at 1000 mcg, then 3000 mcg, and have been taking 5000 mcg for at least 3 years. The "normal levels" of B12 in blood work is usually way too low for anyone with nerve issues. This amount has kept my neuropathy from progressing, which is wonderful and I am on no other meds because of it.