As Im sure some of you may recall, my 6 yr old( Carly, who I get my screenname from) was being tested for Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy. When i received my Fibro diagnosis i was at least grateful to have a name to what was causing my own issues.
Yesterday, I had my neurologist appointment. Turns out, i too have MMD. I am in shock right now.and scared to be honest.All I want out of this life, as Im sure any parent does, is to be around to watch my children grow up. I still pray that this will be possible. If you pray, will you pray for me , too? I pray that each and every one of you have pain free days ahead.
I would like to still"visit" with you all as you have given me a lot og help and advice. my step mother has fibromyalgia and I have shared some of your words of wisdom with her.
Thank-You and continue to be the best you you can be:)
<3 Tracey