I'm sorry for your daughter & grand daughters but most of all my heart goes out to you & your husband. Somehow these things seem to fall on the broad shoulders of one or two & it's just so unfair. I'm assuming you have fibro to boot. Wow! But I have to thank you for sharing your story because it address an issue I've been too embarassed to write about until now. Here's why I can relate.
Briefly, I have a 21 yr/o daughter with a 2 y/old child & we, her father & I, are her ONLY support system. Her financial situation is horrendous. She does not drive (couldn't afford gas if she did) and is currently unemployed, but looking for work. She's got multiple health issues now & has doc appts at least once a week & a surgery scheduled next month. Guess who gets her to these appts & watches the baby too? Bottom line is I am running myself ragged 'doing' for her. I want to help & do all I can & more. But it seems never to be enough & my body is rebelling. It looks very possible that she may even have to move in with us & I'm very, VERY angry about it. She made bad, awful, horrible choices for years & wound up in a mess. We did everything to help her avoid just this life, but here she is & now WE are paying dearly for it. I'm 50, and not well (& I believe the stress she caused is a major factor). My husband is 52 & just had a heart attack 6 months ago. All we want is a simple, quiet life. If she has to live with us we'll have to move & the tiny bit of peace we managed to find after the years of hell she's put us through will be all gone. So my heart really goes out to you. How on earth do you do it?? How does this all affect your health?