I feel guilty all the time because of my disease. First I have to say I have a very supportive family. My husband is the greatest man I have known. when I have a horrible day, and am in so much pain I feel guilty telling my husband. Since I was 15 I have had symptoms of endometriosis however not until about 2 months ago has it been almost non-stop. I feel bad when my stomach hurts, feel bad when my body aches. I don't want to tell him, but he gets mad if I don't tell him. I have 2 appointments set up one for the gyno and another for a abdominal ultrasound. My NP wants me to go for a laporascopy to see if it is Endo or not. Im so sick of my list of illnesses. I hate this!
List: Fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic costocondriasis, GERD, migraines, possible Endometriosis
I know alot of people are way worse off than me, Im just having a pity party day!