Hey all,
Thought I'd get my two cents in too
I've been formally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and IBS, as well as possible CFS. I've also got the beginning, possibly further developed, stages of Osteoarthritis in my right hip. I'm on 3 meds; Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Cesamet *legalized cannabinoid substitute*. I also get weekly to biweekly shots of marcaine, with the recent addition of an injectable steroid into my pressure points. I'm only 29 years old.
No, walking does not help me; Yoga does. No, taking herbs alone will not heal me; I've tried that route already and am stuck with meds. No, Ibuprofen does not help; I was taking them for months and nothing helped. No, the cold does not help me; heat's the only friend I've got these days.
As you can see, I'm different from the next person, to the next person. What's good for the goose isn't necessarily as good for the gander in the Fibro-world, please remember this. Do I want to be drug free? Uh YEAH! Can I be? NOPE! I am stuck until they find a cure. However, the resources I have at the touch of a finger have helped a great deal. Please
DO NOT ever get talked out of/bullied off your meds, especially if they are working for you. The side-effects lasted a couple of months for me, slowly tapering and resolving itself, as I expected. I did my research and assumed the risks. And if I die sooner, it least I got to 'LIVE' longer