@Klambert, I LOVE IT!!! stated perfectly!!!
I too was one of those gals that told the other gal whom hated sex. What are you kidding? I love it and will always love it!!! Now, I'm 53 and I would say at least 3 years ago when all this started happening...this is it in a nut shell...whatever! I tell my girlfriends, I hike a leg and take it like a woman!! sorry for being crude..but that's how I feel about it...I usually never deny my Hubby because when it's a BAD day, he knows to stay away! But more times than not I don't deny him. I'm already in pain, I'm always in pain, so why not?
I've asked him if he misses the woman he married..we use to go dancing, drinking and LOTS of sex! He always responds, with, "are you kidding me, that woman would kill me!!"
My prayer is that this illness will go away as quickly as it came...and that one day, that vivacious, spontaneous woman he married will return!!
To the ladies that just say no, please for your husband and for your relationship...try..your husband will appreciate any effort...
have an awesome Sunday!!