Oh, BunBun, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I did look this up because I wasn't sure what this was. Are you taking probiotics along with the antibiotics? From what I read on the Mayo Clinic site, probiotics usually help keep this at bay. There is a paragraph from the Mayo Clinic site about that.
People in good health don't usually get sick from C. difficile. Your intestines contain millions of bacteria, many of which help protect your body from infection. But when you take an antibiotic to treat an infection, the drug can destroy some of the normal, helpful bacteria as well as the bacteria causing the illness. Without enough healthy bacteria, C. difficile can quickly grow out of control. The antibiotics that most often lead to C. difficile infections include fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, clindamycin and penicillins.
This link below, from the Mayo Clinic site, mentions using probiotics to help with this. Whenever you take antibiotics, it kills off all bacteria in your intestines...both good and bad. This happened with my dog and her staph, pseudomonos, and MRSA skin infections. These bacteria became "immune" to all the antibiotics the vet was giving her. So, when there was no more antibiotics to use on her, I tried probiotics on her and it cleared away all the infection! I'm not a doctor but I don't think it would hurt to start taking probiotics along with the antibiotic. The antibiotic will kill off most of the probiotics but some may make it through. You should call your doctor or speak with your pharmacist before you do anything. I also would continue the probiotics when the antibiotic therapy is finished so you get good bacteria back in your system. Again, talk to your doctor about this first.
Another reason you are feeling so lousy is that you are depressed over all of this. Who wouldn't be...especially as young as you are! I'm sure your husband would NOT agree with nearly everything you wrote about yourself, either. He understands that this is totally out of your control and you are following doctor's orders to get well again. AND that will happen. This too shall pass. You are in a rough patch right now and life doesn't seem fair to you at all. But it does get better. Once you get a handle on this bacteria and kick it to the curb, you will be well on your way to a fulfilling life ahead.
Try not to think about illness and pain. It can become an all-consuming thing and you don't want that. I know you said it's hard for you to be thankful for the good things but have you ever made a list of all the good things in your life...all of your blessings? Try that. Put it down on paper. You will see the good FAR outweighs the bad in your life. That brings on hope which brings on some peace of mind.
Even though you are in bed a lot right now, do move as much as you can and do the gentle stretching exercises in Fibro 101. They can be done easily in bed. Get some games or crossword puzzles or play Internet games. Watch funny movies. If you like to cook, go through some cook books and pick out yummy recipes you will make when you are better. Just do things to stop thinking about your health.
Look forward to each new day with anticipation. It really could be a good one, you know! If it isn't, you can make it through one day. Projecting yourself in the future is useless and can cause more pain from worrying about things that might not ever happen! No one knows the future...including the doctors. Find things that help you smile. I know when I smile I always feel better and it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
Lastly, go into Fibro 101 and scan down until you come to the article called Maintaining a Positive Attitude: Ten Strategies. This is good advice for any illness...not only fibromyalgia. This helps me when I have a down period in my life, too. I hope it help you like it has helped me.
I hope today will be a better day for you, BunBun. I'll be praying that this round of antibiotics kicks the daylights out of that bacteria!