This looks like the best place for me, I just registered. I am at my worst right now and decided I had to get a massage to get the excruciating knots out of my neck and shoulder blades, so I had an hour massage and she was gentle(far too gentle for me normally) because I told her I was in a flare up and she said it makes it worse to do deep tissue right now, really I wanted someone to beat the pain out of me if I could possibly stand it. although I couldn't stand to be massaged behind my knees (please tell me if this is a bad spot for anyone else). I could barely walk after the massage and I really think it actually made it WORSE (didnt think it was possible). Has anyone else mad this mistake or had a massage and it put you in further agony and dispare? I just thought I would ask and if it seems to be a bad idea to have a massage at flare up, I probably could have found it here and I would have cancelled the appt.
How about profuse sweating? Night or day, whenever it feels like it, cant tolerate cold because it send me into a muscle lock down, itchy skin with no rash, heart palpitations, fuzzy vision, tired painful eyes, headache every day, shaking, exhausted, feels like I am going to black out if I get slightest bit hungry, vertigo, morning stiffness especially in my finger joints, CANNOT tolerate noise or lights. and Oh my goodness the pain...I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up..crying, sad...hopeless
No official diagnosis, but my mother has fm. Not sure if these symptoms I have are actually fm.
Any help would be so appreciated