Hi, I don't post much I lurk a lot
Whenever someone posts about
this I have to reply. I have had this pain on going for some time. It is amazingly painful I get it all over but most of the time it is in my legs. I don't suggest using any kind of burn or sunburn ointment with any of the "cooling" additives, it made mine burn worse. Of course it didn't help that I had to touch my skin to apply it. I have found nothing that helps it. When it gets really bad I make myself a bubble bath (not to hot not too cold) and soak. I find the softest pj's and put them on. Most of the time I cant even stand to have my chihuahuas tiny weight on my lap when its happening. Though I am teaching them to be gentle and avoid my legs as much as possible. The pain comes and goes if I get really cold it flares horribly. If you do find something that helps I would love to know what it is.