Gina, I tried accupuncture but it didn't help me. Actually it hasn't helped others either because that question was asked a while back on the fourm. It's expensive and the only thing it did was lighten my wallet when it came to my fibro. But, I'm hearing impaired and I did gain some hearing so there is something to it but it doesn't seem to help fibro patients.
I use malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 supplements that help me. There are links about these in Fibro 101. I also take an alternative supplement called Curamin. It has won the #1 award for pain relief in the alternative medicine field. It does help me. One day I forgot to take it and, boy, did I know it! Here is some info about it.
I checked out the doctor that wrote this and he is no slouch either. I'm careful because there are plenty of scammers who are more than willing to take your money.
Moist heat and gentle stretching exercises help also. There is a link in Fibro 101 with some stretching exercises.
This is what I do, along with the massage that I mentioned in my other post. I also do a daily gentle exercise. I walk for my exercise. Since you work and being a nurse, I'm sure you get plenty of exercise. It's the lifting of heavy patients...that will cause you plenty of pain. If you can, get some handsome orderly to help you!
Gina, I still always have pain but it's under control doing this. When I take pain medication for arthritis, I take as little as I can because I don't want to be light-headed, dizzy, etc. Sure, I need more relief but I don't want the side effects.
I hope some of this helps you and your doctors.