Its so amazing to read about things that are going on with ones self through other peoples words
about 7 months ago I went to my Doctor with those knots on the back of the head at the base
I woke up one morning and could not even put my head forward or backwards
I told my husband about it and to see if maybe something bit me, It was swollen and felt like there was fluid in there
It also itched like crazy but to sore to really scratch the spot,
I put ice packs on ,but it didnt get better, My doctor put me on steriods and antbotic , It took a week and half for it to chill back down,
She never did say what it could be but then with me LOL she never knows what to think.
But it flares up and it always feels swollen and many times My migrains come from the base of my head
Also in my hair I get these bumps all the time now I guess a rash they are red bumps.
I just thought maybe the knots were from my discs
Maybe my brain is getting to heavy from thinking to much LOL
Take carealways