Hi everyone,
I've been off work since June of 2010. I have been denied 3 times for disabiity and am on the last leg of the process. I have an advocator working for me and she says next step is a hearing. I am long term disability from my job but that ends in Sept of this year. I also worked a job that I loved and have grieved it and my life for a couple of years now. I can now talk about my job without sobbing like a 2 year old.
I'm still trying to figure out my way, who I am now..people say, man I'd love it if I got to stay home. Really? I'd think long and hard about that statement because in a blink of an eye your life could be forever changed.
I am determined to get better, to grow somehow from this, to get back some of that spunk in my spirit I once had. It is a battle and some days you feel like fighting and some days you just give in..
I wish everyone the best of luck in getting your disability and fighting the good fight of faith!!!!
sorry if I sound a little down, but today is one of "those" days..it's so comforting to know that there is a group of awesome people that are going through some of the same things I am..and I'm not crazy!!! or am I? heheheehheee
learning moderation and boundaries...gotta go rest..reminds me of kindegarten...nap time!
OH, BTW, heading outa town tomorrow....new grandbaby being born on Thursday...don't know if boy or girl yet...they wanted to be suprised...but if it's a girl....I (being the evil stepmother, not really) will be honored of having her named after me..(middle name) Lyla Lynn....
just reminded myself what this ole life is all about..... Thanks God!!
when you think ya just can't take this another minute...pause...deep breath...Thanks God!!!
love to all and gentle hugs,
FibroNana/Jerrie LYNN