Hi, SignaturePink, and welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join the family! Did you have tests to rule out heart problems? Having chest pain with pain down your arm really needs to be addressed. When I developed heart palpatations, my doctor gave me an electorocardiogram, and echocardiogram, an untrasound of my heart, checked the carotid arteries, and had me wear a monitor for 24 hours...just to make sure everything was fine. It was. So, I hope your doctor has been thorough, too.
I have had vaginal fistulas but I also have Crohn's disease. You don't get fistulas for no reason. Have you seen a gastroenterologist to rule out digestive diseases? These are inflammatory and could be causing your tests to be high, too.
Fibro isn't an inflammatory illness. I have high levels of inflammation in my body so they went on a hunt to see what was causing it...since my Crohn's is under control. It turned out I have arthritis in my neck and lower spine and possibly an illness called ankylosing spondylitls. It's just too easy to put your aches and pains under the heading of fibro! So, please get checked out thoroughly. I'm really glad you are seeing a rheumy and also going to the Mayo Clinic. They should be able to find what is going on with you.
Feeling like you have the flu is very common with fibro. multiple aches, pains, tingling, burning, buzzing....weird stuff....happens with fibro. It happens in all four quandrants of your body...from head to toe. Neat, huh?
I see that Debbie directed you to Fibro 101...the second thread on the forum. Do read that. There is a wealth of info in there and you will learn a lot about fibro and this could help you, too.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.