NoWorries, sometimes narcotics can cause more pain! I've read about this and you do seem to be taking a lot of narcotics. Here is a link from a rehabilitation site that explains this quite well. I'm not saying you are addicted. Please don't get me wrong. But I know people who have gotten off narcotics and are doing better. I tried Vicodin and Tramadol and they really didn't help that much. I'd have to have far more narcotic to treat my pain. The Tramadol acutally made my back pain worse! Once I stopped it, my back pain was 100% better within 15 hours of my last Tramadol.
Narcotics, I feel, are necessary for some people but I know, for me, I am trying everything else first...even alternative products. Actually, they seem to help me more than the Vicodin ever did!
But, do be aware of what might be going on with your extreme pain. Here is the link.