Hi Everyone,
For months now my b/f and I have been eating a healthy salad for supper topped with various healthy proteins like egg or shrimp or chicken and lots of fresh veggies and nuts and seeds accompanied by a piece of Ezekial bread which doesn't have gluten.
What I wanted to share with you is I can't eat a heavy supper. My b/f and I had spagetti last night made with lots of sateed zuchinni and mushrooms on top of brown rice pasta. I could not fall asleep for three hours even with taking my sleep supplements. My b/f had trouble falling asleep too but not to the degree that I did because he doesn't have fibromyalgia. Even though we didn't fill ourselves, the spagetti still felt heavy in our stomachs. So if we want to enjoy a meal like spagetti we have to do it at lunch.
What I wanted to share with you is for those of you who have sleep issues, try eating a healthy lite supper and see if your sleeping troubles are less of an issue. I have to also stay away from all caffiene and sugar and unhealthy carbs throughout the day to get a decent night's sleep.
Ups and downs, fibromyalgia has so many ups and downs. Without the ups, I would have to say fibro would be much more difficult to deal with.