Well Thank you all
Im so glad this work week is over
Its been a very tough week for me,
I did go see the rhuemy Thursday and
she did tell me that it was Fibro and started me on Savella
Ohh I hate when I feel this lack of control, teary and things
But this week Icould not find rest and peace for my body
It hurt to wear a bra,
But anyway new week maybe it will be better
Sherrine Iam thinking about part time,I work at the pharmacy and we dont ever get to sit,
Iam going to print out the strecthes ,
DW , I live for baths LOL I have to be careful I sleep in the bath , Its the one place that your body can feel relaxed, I started this bad habbit when on treatment for the hep, I lived in the bath, My family knows if they havent heard from me awhile to come check,
Ak I guess that is something I think about alot, Normal, I long for that I guess
I spent 5 years sick from hepc treatments and looked forward to be my old self again, That has not happened, On treatment I had no white count no red count and felt like I spent 4 years in bed, I feel as if I have to prove somehow to people I dont feel good, That I cant go and do like I once did, That Im not lazy and a cry baby ,
It gets stressful , Then because they arent in our shoes I start to doubt myself, I push a little harder to try and prove something LOL and end up like I was this last week,
I must somehow to come to a peace with it only matters what I think,
Dor, Im grateful to say I have been in remission since 2007 I did 4 treatments my last one being infergen a shot everyday for over a year,
They say that the new treatments arent as bad as the old ones,
I did have a wonderful team of Doctors,
Ak also I have to agree church is such a blessing in my life, I teach 4and 5 year olds, Im so thankful for that calling in my life,I love the little ones, No matter how bad you feel they will give a smile and a laugh
Robin thank you for the uplift
Thank you all for your kind words and support,It is a blessing to have a place to go when the world gets to hard, to know that your not alone in how you feel and that you can find advice
((((hugs)))) Renee