Well, now I know why my fatigue factor has gone up...I've been doing progressively worse on my lung function tests. I thought I was going to cough up my lung during testing.
...I got pretty dizzy too.
The pulmonologist I see is a 2 hour drive away. He is a diagnostic specialist that knows a lot about autoimmune disease and is in a huge clinic with many specialists. He did not want me to wait to see my cardiologist for another echocardiogram and got me in this afternoon to have one done at this same clinic. He is concerned that my scleroderma is messing with my pulmonary artery. I will need another cat scan with full contrast in three weeks. I already know that my left ventricle is in bad shape but now he is concerned about the right side of my heart
I know I'm in very good hands and am feeling confident that things will be fine.
I've always said Murphy's Law seems to hit right before I go to Wisconsin. Tomorrow, hubby and I are flying there for 9 days to see family...that is just what I need...seeing my little grandaughter is the best medicine for me.
So my friends, I'm wishing you the best and I will see you all when I get back.
Hugs, Robin