It's certainly your choice....but it's not unusual at all for a Primary Dr. to send you to different specialists depending on the situation. They are only there to handle basic things.
So sending you to the Rheumatologist for Fibromyalgia is perfectly reasonable. As you sounds like the Rheumy and your insurance are causing the issues with the appts. and such.
As far as the blood work's best for you to always stay on top of that and make sure the results go back to your PCP...
I just went through this with my mom as she has a wonderful Primary Dr. but also has specialists for her heart, her kidneys, and an Orthopedic guy. I have helped her stay on top of all the blood work she gets as the same thing was happening that a Dr. would order a test that she had already taken. Now she just keeps her own copy of medical records and writes down what test, what date, the results, and what Drs it needs to go to.
That is where we all have to take an active role in our health care.
As far as the Tramadol goes...because that has moved to a "controlled substance" now....many Primary Drs. are not comfortable prescribing this long term to you as they are not qualified as pain management specialists. So it's reasonable for her to say that she wants to see what the Rheumatologist thinks and how the tests come out before she starts changing anything in regards to pain medication.
The states and the DEA closely monitor every single Dr. that prescribes controlled medication and they have to show a reason every month why their patients are on medication and what tests are being done to actually "solve" the issue if it can be done. Or end up referring them to a pain management specialist for anything that is "chronic".
Are you seeing a Psychologist or Psychiatrist for your depression? Obviously that is something that your PCP should not be handling as they are not qualified for this as well.
So I guess I'm not seeing the reason why you don't trust your PCP in what you have written?
Our Primary Drs. are there to listen to what the patient is telling us with symptoms, and then if it's a general issue like the flu, or a yearly physical or something that is easily managed, they will handle it. But if it's anything that is out of their realm of study/training, then it is their job to refer us to a specialist as that is what we all have the most qualified and skilled Dr. helping us with our diagnosis.'s certainly up to you and if there is another reason that you haven't written that you don't trust your PCP...then you should change. I just wanted to give you a head's up that another Primary may handle things in the exact same way in regards to the things you wrote in your post as I don't see anything they are doing that is off base.
And if you said you found one that is also a Rheumatolgist and will handle your Fibro and other auto immune issues as well as be your Primary....then that is certainly a great choice.
Keep us posted:)
Post Edited (Snowbunny21) : 8/8/2012 7:43:54 AM (GMT-6)