The body is indeed mysterious.
Five years ago, I went to ER thinking I was having a heart attack...(pain down my arms, tachycardia, sweating, and pressure in my chest and head) - my heart was fine, but they did find out my gallbladder was non-functioning. So out it came...there were 3 really large stones.
I had had burning pains in my abdomen and back, off and on, for a long time. This stopped with my surgery. Since then, I do have to be careful eating too much fat, but it hasn't been that different, really. I had probblems already.
My 25-yr-old daughter was also having pain (for weeks, horrible pain in her gut, that would send her home from work.) The ER doctor tried to brush her off with, "Well, you were drinking last night, so you're probably just hungover." Mama Bear was NOT havin' it!!
I've never stood up from my chair and gotten in a doctor's face like that before or since. The scan showed just some little grains in her gallbladder, but she had it out, and the pain went away. She, too, still has digestive issues, but nothing like the intense pain she'd had before.
So my question is, could your gallbladder be diseased and causing problems, even without gallstones? I would google it, myself.