Hi, Dee, and welcome! I'm glad you are trying an antidepressant. It sure sounds like you need one. Have you had your vitamin D levels checked? If you aren't getting outside, you most likely are quite deficient in vitamin D and that can cause more pain. Also, malic acid/magnesium supplements have helped many here...including me. It's worth looking into. I use vitamin D3, the malic acid/magnesium supplements, ibuprofen with food, extra strength Tylenol, and an alternative product that has won awards for pain relief called Curamin. The only prescription I use for fibro is a muscle relaxer called Robaxin and it has really helped me significantly.
You do need to keep moving with fibro. If you sit or lay, you will be stiff as a board and have more pain. I know you don't want to hear this but it's true. When we are in this much pain, it's normal for us to want to stay in bed and not move but that just makes things worse with fibro. Really! I hope other members will chime in here and back this up because others have discovered this too.
There are some gentle stretching exercises on Fibro 101 that you can do when you are sitting down. That's a start. Then get up and go for a walk. YIKES! I do know what you are thinking because I thought that too. When I started walking daily, I only could go four houses down and had to turn around and head back home but I didn't give up. I went out the next day and could go a little further. I kept this up and now I walk at least a mile every morning. I definitely don't feel like walking but I make myself because I know I will end up enjoying the scenery and have more energy and less pain when I get back home. I love seeing the critters scurrying around looking for breakfast, the dew on the flowers and grass. These are blessings to me and this makes me happy. I am a positive thinker so doing this helps keep me away from depression. It's typical for people with fibro to have depression though.
I mentioned Fibro 101 in the last paragraph. Please read it. It's the first thread on the forum. There are links about fibro and you will learn a lot there and get help there, too. There are links about some of the supplements I mentioned and how they work in your body. Also, the gentle stretching exercises are here and there is a wonderful link about maintaining a positive attitude, too.
I wear loose shifts around the house and when I go out, I have loose tops and capris or slacks with elastic waistbands. Regular waistbands kill me. My clothes are of the softest fabric I can find but you can find stylish things like this. Bras? HATE THEM! It's the last thing to go on before I leave the house and the first thing I take off as soon as I get home. So, again, you are not alone.
When it comes to friends, they really don't want to hear about this. Besides, they can't understand it either. Try making a lunch date and talk about everything but health. It really will be good for you. If you dwell on how you are feeling all of the time, that will only pull you further down into depression and chase away friends and even family. You are the one that has to learn how to deal with this illness. It's nice if your immediate family has some understanding and helps you some. They should! That's what families do. But there aren't that many friends that will stick around if you are always talking about how you feel and how much pain you are in. But you can come here and vent and that will help you. We DO understand.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.