I have been on a long journey going to multiple doctors. It started when I suddenly lost over 30 lbs in four weeks. Once my gyno (seeing him lots for painful left ovary) realized it was unintentional he did a nuclear study on gallbladder that said it wasnt working. Had it removed and did a look-see to ensure ovary was fine. I lost forty more lbs. after sx. I started having severe right upper quad attacks that radiated around the stomach and abd. then chest and back. I become very week, sometimes nausea, I will pass out sometimes but usually I dont lose complete conciousness. I just lay there sweating, and grunting because the muscles are constricting so hard. Hard to breathe or talk. Will leave me so sore for days. Even hurts to yawn. Nothing helps. Can not corelate them with any activity, stress, food (except pain pills can trigger this). They can last minutes or hours. They leave me exhausted for days. Went through evry disgusting test a gi can think of. Found my pancreas is missing the primary drain duct but this is a birth deffect and has never caused problems before and pancreatic enzymes are good when tested. There is more than the "attacks", every morning there is a painful, sickening hardness sensation in my abd. takes hours to relax. sometimes it can be so bad that I can do nothing for myself for weeks. This is what stops me from being able to move and to live my life. Two years later I lose my job because I am unable to walk and someone needed to be doing my work without any more delay ... I track and coordinate for breast ca patients ... I was the one who found out that a dr. biopsied wrong location and made sure patient got proper care. So I lost my job, ability to drive, take care of my new husband, hang with my teenage sons, hold my grand babies.
but anyway, i degress
gi would give me one excuse after another and shake his head. When he heard fibro this summer, he jumpd saying "Thats it" /but in Sept 2011 (after severe attacks) he said it didnt sound like his fibro patients complaints.
In dec. 2011 I had extreme fatigue that had lasted for two months (pain too) and my reg. dr. says fibro. My ins changed so I had new primary who also said fibro, and then two rheumys said fibro.....ok here we go.... I know I have fibro...so does my mom, and my cousin, and my uncle. So yesterday I go indepth with new rheumy about abd issue ... she says she has never had a fibro patient with those complaints and to see a gi ... uhm. yeah. So after going all of this year trying to come to terms and live what life it lets me, I am told that it isnt actually the fibro making me feel like i am dying, yet no other doctor can figure it either. When this happens, it really does feel like i am dying. Like all of my organs are turned to stone. I can go days where I can only say short sentences with breaks due to the hardening of what feels like my diaphram. I keep a tenderness on the ruq. I cant wear bras or normal pants anymore. the slightest touch to stomach muscles hurts SO bad. Even the weight of my own breasts hurt!!! and Im not that well endowed.
Has anyone had this. Can you relate? Can you help me help my doctors? I have seen so many and lost so much yet no one can tell me why.
ana's always good
cbc normal
kidney and liver function always good
thyroid off for first time last month but has checked normal for past three years
ct's norml
mri of inner ear normal
other symptoms:
brief visual disturbances (extreme blurring)
ringing in ears
severe bone pain hips to toes, now also fingers to elbows
pins n needles in hands and feet
walk like an orangatang : )
fibro fog almost a norm
muscle spasms around sides and abd. (and evry where else)
All of these I can associate with alot of others at this site, and it has helped me to learn how to work around and with fibro. I am just at a loss as to how I can find help for this. My doc wont have any hair left if he keeps scratching and he is a cutie (my 2nd gi)
Sorry its so wordy ... but i am desperate.