Hey everyone!!! I know, a blast from the past. Maybe it's been so long that no one recognizes me cuz of all the new faces??!! Here's the long and short of it... I haven't been on in...two? years or so because ~I~ couldn't remember the name of the site. All it took was getting a new computer after the old one died. My bookmark was gone... Along with my ability to recall things. So, I gave up my search. Then tonight I was researching something. Of course for my constant fibro battle... And who pops up with the winning post??? MY OLD FRIENDS!!!! HOW I'VE MISSED YOU SOOOO!!!! I'm doing ok. Plugging along one day at a time. Some days slower than others. Have weight woes with my lyrica so I'm shopping for an alternative. Already switched from cymbalta to savella (while staying on lyrica). Tried to taper off the lyrica and pain just came right back. I'm looking into topamax. Hoping to get a 2 for 1 deal for pain and migraines. Anyone have experience with topamax?