Lisa, I commend you for getting off the pain meds but there are some over the counter pain products that could possibly help you. I could never not take anything for pain and still have quality of life!
I use ibuprofen with food, Tylenol, malic acid/magnesium supplements, vitamin D3 supplements, and a muscle relaxer called Robaxin that have helped me be in control of my pain and fatigue. Notice I said I'm in control of the pain....not pain free. But I am comfortable now since I started the muscle relaxer.
I also walk daily as a form of gentle exercise for fibro. Swimming and yoga are other good choices. I also pace myself when doing things and that helps a lot too. I do have a positive attitude and that has helped me about as much as the medications most of the time. All this combined has helped me a lot.
You might ask your doctor about over the counter things, how much you could take, etc. because you need some relief. I'm sure they will help you out. You should not suffer like this. Let us know what you do because we do care about you.