I found this thread interesting because i just cancelled a sleep study i had scheduled for tomorrow. My problem is falling asleep but when i fall asleep my dh says i seem to sleep soundly. As a parent, i wake up a sounds that sound differently even though my dd is grown and moved out. I can't seem to "turn off my brain". Most women i have said this to knows what i mean, where as their partners fall asleep as soon as thier head hits the pillow. Dh says he lets his mind go blank.
I was going to do the sleep study, but i get very anxious in strange places so would be very hard to get a correct reading i think. I know several people who have had one, and everyone has had to have a cpap machine. I am claustophobic and every since i was 13 and had to have a tube shoved up my nose due to bleeding ulcers (fighting them the whole time) i can not stand anything on my nose. So I know i would not use one. So i do not see the money and time being spent worth it.
This is just me. I am being honest with myself. If i have to take meds to sleep better, i will but i know that the cpap is not for me.