not trying to sound negative but one problem i did find with the company drug assistance programs. The one I looked at for savella, you have to complete a form every month. It can be early enough so you do not miss getting a refill on time but there is no guarantee you will be approved each month. For example, I was given samples of the starter pack for the savella. I took them and asked for full script
. With insurance my copay was going to be 80.00 a month. No way we could afford it. I asked dr for samples, none available. Talked to the company and got to thinking. If i got it this month, great. My mom even offered to loan me money for the first month. But what if i was not approved by the company any of the months? I would have to then worry about
being weaned off the meds or where to get the money. I wish they would approve for several months at a time.
I strongly suggest checking with the companies, but be aware of what would happen and be prepared if you are not approved or if for some reason, not approved in enough time for a refill. Make sure you have a way to pay for it if it happens.