ak angel said...
Bettie- I had terrible reaction to Cymbalta and neurontin. I guess you can call them side effects. Lol I try to keep my treatment plan very simple.
I do take remron for antidepressent. It works very well for me. It helps me sleep also. It has something in it to calm your racing thoughts. It's an old drug and cheap. I take subutex for pain control. I love this drug. I rarely have a flare anymore. I take magnesium for muscle spasms daily, vitamin D and calcium daily. I use lots of heat and do things in moderation.
I know you hurt, but the best medicine I found out is exercise. If I stay in bed I will hurt so bad. I would of never believe this myself about exercise makes your fibro better. Try to stay as postive as you can. I try to stay way from unwanted stress. It's easy for me to pick up someone bad day and let it affect me. Things like this add stress in our lives.
It takes time to find the right treatment plan. Just don't give up and just take one day at a time.
Thank you sooo much for your input, it is greatly appreciated! I will have to look into remron, I haven't heard of it, but usually the older the better! Do you take it at night since it makes you sleepy? That is something I have been long frustrated with, most meds make me sleepy but I am ALWAYS tired, but can NEVER sleep! Such a weird quirk of the condition.
I have heard magnesium is a must for fibro. My I ask which kind you take? I saw several different supplement variations, taurate, citrate, etc! Very confusing, although I am sure they all have the same effect.
As for the subutex, are there any side effects? Did it take you a few different types of pain meds to find the right one? I have tried quite a few, and the only thing that works to an extent is Percocet. It's the only one I don't get sick on! My doctor told me to use the pain killers to exercise. I looked at him like have you ever tried to exercise after taking pain meds??? 2 minutes in you're sweating profusely, dizzy, feeling like your legs are going to give out! It is so difficult to get past the vicious cycle of not being in pain, and starting to exercise more since exercise is what contributes to lessening your pain.
I know we all have those days where mentally we'd love to be swinging from the tree tops, but physically the complete opposite!