I am starting to feel the guilt that you all speak of. My 10 month old is becoming very active and will be walking and running around soon. I am getting very exhausted when I have her all by myself. I work 4 days a week and am home 1 day with her by myself and two days with my husband. Not only do I have to work, but I enjoy working. I also know that I wouldn't be able to take care of her every day, the physical demands and exhaustion would just be too great.
The other night I had an aweful flare that accompanied a snow storm. For the first time since she was born I just had to lay in bed for a few hours in agony. I felt awful that I could not play with her. I tried to sing songs with her but couldn't actively hands on play with her. I am convinced I have the most caring and compassionate baby in the world. She truly gets it. She always offers kisses if she thinks someone is stressed or down. The day of my flare she just kept resting her head on mine and giving the most gentle and sweet kisses.
Soon after having my daughter I had the opportunity to listen in on a web conference about parenting with chronic illness. Thank God for that! Every person on the panel said what everyone on here is saying. We will feel guilty, but our kids will not notice. We will go so far out of our way to try to compensate for what we feel we are lacking that we will fulfill their needs more than other parents because we will be so in tune with our kids. The participants also said that their children are the most thoughtful, caring and compassionate people. They have learned through their parent's limitations what it means to be empathetic, independent and confident.
I think your daughter truly values the time you do spend with her. It is so sweet that she chooses you for her treat. Try to enjoy the time together rather than feeling guilty that you can't give her more. She is trying to help you because she loves you and appreciates you.