Posted 5/1/2013 7:39 AM (GMT 0)
Looking to talk with anyone who has faced my problem:
I had a "mass" in my left parotid gland just in front of my ear. I also have a very large lymph node at my jaw line. I has surgery to remove the "mass" and a string of 4 lymph nodes in my neck removed but not the large one at my jaw line. This has been going on since November. The doctors have both told me I have lymphoma although I have no symptoms of lymphoma, none. So in January I had surgery #1 and I am now scheduled to have surgery to remove the very large node at my jaw line. The surgery pathology reveals only "reactive lymph nodes". also two biopsies reveal same. Now the doctor wants to remove this for a frozen section.This will also require removal of the lower parotid gland. Like my mouth is not dry enough. This surgeon is still insisting that I must have lymphoma.
I went to see a rheumatologist 2 weeks ago, I also have severe generalized osteoarthritis, I have had 3 back surgeries. The OA is in my spine, knees, elbows, ankles, hands. I tell people I don't have it in my hips, it's easier. The rheumy said "What do you want from me?" honest that's his exact words I tried to explain all this that I have going on, my own GP is great but he has asked about me seeing a rheumy, I think GP is feeling out of his depths with so much going on. The rheumy? well we won't be seeing that jerk again, waste of time and money.
So now I have to have another surgery to remove a gland that continues to enlarge. Since CT done in November and the one done 2 weeks ago show it's growing. Is this doctor just trying to save face? Is she embarrassed over proclaiming this to be lymphoma? Without medical evidence of lymphoma. Why she left this in to begin with I'll never understand. She just said it was because we already knew what the gland was "reactive lymph node". I have sent the doctor information about swollen nodes and FM. She said she read it and found it to be interesting, she has heard about this but not read anything about it.
Question: How swollen do lymph nodes get with FM? What could the lymph nodes be reacting to? And yes I had stress in November. I have a little problem with some income taxes from a 401K disbursement a couple years ago. (I bought a house, paid in full and thought the first time home buyer would cover tax, well it ended 3 months prior to my purchase).
I am sure you understand how badly this has flared the FM, I cannot sleep, I am in a constant fog, not paying attention to my own daily details; dishes, laundry and so on. My elbows are so inflamed and there are bands of hard tissue around my ankles. I have carpal tunnel and my hands are in constant pain plus OA.
Question: Are the lymph nodes reacting to the FM? Is that what everyone else's result is from biopsy?
Appreciate any input.