Hi all,
Thought I would share my results so far. I get the Candida and Thyroid next week though. (A lot of this may be review for you long-timers...)
Let's see...
1. I have a double mutation of MTHFR. This basically means that at birth (thanks parents!!) I could not use Folic Acid appropriately and now cannot detoxify my body. For more simple-to-understand info: http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/mthfr/ This also means that unless I get my body to accept and correct the detoxifying process through folate, I could very well have children with physical symptoms of folate deficiency (down's, spina, etc). Children are still up in the air for now but it's good info to know!
2. I am just under the Vitamn D 'normal' threshold, at 29 (normal* is 30-100). I have increased this from 19 since last October, so progress is possible. Now the interesting part: because Fibromytes have such low immune function, we rely on Vit D3 to open up the pathway so that our immune system will function like a normal person. *The 30-100 'normal' guide for the western medical community is actually for NORMAL IMMUNE FUNCTIONING people. Those who have immune deficiencies or illnesses (fibro, CFS, cancer, etc) should really try to get their D levels to 80 or above. There is a risk of having too much Vitamin D but my RA said that it's only at 200+ and it only effects 10% of those over 200+. So over the next few months I will be increasing from my current 3k/day to 10k/day.
Something else that is very important that I have no clue about... When vitamin D is properly functioning in your body, it will fight the immunity killers (toxins, viruses, etc), but then it will release them so that your body can rid itself of it (my RA said a lot of deep breathing helps get rid of toxins, not sweat - take that hot yoga!). This means that all of those toxins are floating around in your body making you feel like crap. So every time you increase your D3, if you notice that you feel like crap for a couple of days - its a good thing because it means that it's functioning properly. I have felt like utter dog poo for the last few weeks and lo and behold, it's because I started taking my D3 again after realizing that I had stopped a month ago (bad girl!). So I really really really need to get organized and proactive about my supplements, post haste.
3. I have Epstein Barr. While most adults carry this and don't have symptoms, a lot of fibromytes have such low immune function, so much that their viruses refuse to stay dormant. My results are .9, and 1.0 is affirmed positive active EB. Anything over .2 or below means that you've had, but you've built antigens and it's dormant. So basically I have what appears like chronic mono/EBV - which makes a LOT of sense. But I don't test positive for actual mono - which is peculiar. I assumed that if you had symptoms, it had turned into mono. And apparently my immune system hasn't figured out how to fight it. Lovely.
4. The other POS, I mean super fun immunity challenge (that's a great name for a Fibro TV gameshow!) is that I also have Cytomegalovirus, another virus in the herpes family that produces flu/mono like symptoms. So its a double whammy. For easy to understand info on how this connects and affects Fibro, read: http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/bones-joints-and-muscles/articles/2008/04/11/a-new-fibromyalgia-remedy-antiviral-drugs What is interesting about this particular strain is that it can induce food and air allergies for folks who normally don't have them. This explains why I am suddenly allergic to wheat. I wonder what else I am allergic to that I haven't even found a pattern to yet!
5. While they didn't go over this in today's appointment, I show that I am also positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia. I have no idea if this is related to anything or is just a stand alone virus. I have had walking pneumonia before - maybe this is just confirmation that I am still a carrier? I should have more info next week.
6. Also very high positive in HHV 6.
HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I am just sharing info since a lot of this more modern treatment info isn't readily available in one location online. :)
So basically I am just one big mess of herpes viruses. AWESOME. I will be taking a ton of Valtrex for the next couple of months and while I will feel good afterwards, I am looking at worse symptoms while all of this happens. I will also be taking "VSL #3" probiotics (a mix of different ones in one cap), to help clear gut flora and to help all of my medications and supplements help fight a little better. I am also taking pitocin already for pain and muscle healing as well as starting nitroglycerin to help with blood flow and pain.
I briefly looked at my thyroid results and unless they are listed on some other paperwork which I don't have access to, then I think we're good for Thyroid as TSH was normal as well as reverse T3. So that's one thing I don't have to worry about for now.
Off to make my candida-free (ugh) shopping list!
Post Edited (AnnaBananna) : 8/20/2013 3:19:01 PM (GMT-6)