I think it's great if you can keep yourself up. But unfortunately, the way I put myself together has changed immensely since Fibro. I do have some pride left - I try to make sure my clothes aren't stained or smelly, and aren't wrinkly to the point where it looks like I slept in them.
But they're definitely baggier than they used to be (comfort) and - ugh - I didn't used to wear turtlenecks every bloomin' day from October through April!
(I do like them for one reason, though - only while wearing one can I wear most necklaces - - they're too cold on my bare skin! ) I can't wear earrings much anymore, because they hurt. My skin reacts badly. I used to LOVE long, dangly earrings!
Makeup is something I'm trying to get into a little more, simply because there are so many things about my appearance I can't do anything about, and it's something I CAN. I haven't really worn any for many years, aside from eyebrow pencil.
For the same reason, I'm making more of an effort on my hair (using gel so it's curly instead of frizzy) and clothes (seeing that they fit fairly well and don't look ancient.)
But it's all still pretty minimal. And many days, if I'm not going anywhere in particular, I just don't get around to it.