Some of us have been living with fibro pain so long that we attribute EVERYTHING to it. I have other joint issues that have come with aging and I NEED to remember this. When I'm uncomfortable and the pain is getting past the point of ignoring it I have to slow down and analyze it. Went up north to close the trailer for the winter and did lot's more than I usually do in the bakery. Lots of bending & lifting and stuff... Part way through the day dear hubby brought me 4 ibuprophen. (This is the dosage my doctor has recommended. Your mileage may vary.) I looked at him, startled, and he said, "You're getting grumpy." which is what I do when the pain gets bad. Took those pills with a light lunch and within 20 minutes I was good to go again.
Now, this doesn't mean that the next day I was all good. Still have all that residual pain from the 'work out' but I was able to function when he needed my help to pack and winterize the trailer. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do so don't be afraid to ask your doc about
maximum dosages for over the counter pain meds. Works for me.