When I developed fibro, it was called fibrositis. They thought it was the inflammation of muscles causing the pain. Then they have since realized it is not an inflammatory illness. But I was told just to take aspirin. I took so much my ears were ringing so loudly I could hardly hear. Then I was switched to ibuprofen and that did help me some. BUT I also have inflammatory illnesses so that's probably why that helped me as much as it did.
Have you tried vitamin D3 and magnesium malate? These have helped quite a few members with their pain and fatigue. Also, I was given a muscle relaxer called Robaxin that has helped me significantly. Others take Flexeril and other muscle relaxers. I asked for Robaxin because I had taken it many years ago and it worked really well for me for low back pain. I also like to take the older medications because I don't feel like a guinea pig. I turned down Cymbalta, Lyrica, and Savella. But that's just me. Some members have gotten good relief using these drugs.
Have you read Fibro 101 yet? There are good links with info that might help you. One link I think might help you is about maintaining a positive attitude when you have chronic pain. Studies have shown that this really does help. I am a positive thinker and that has helped me so much with all the health problems I have. I look forward to each new day with anticipation. If it turns out lousy, I can handle a bad day. I do not project myself in the future. AND you do need to focus on other things besides your pain or it will be all-consuming. I think that is what is happening to you right now. If I think about what hurts, I hurt more. If I get busy doing something, the pain fades somewhat in the background. How you approach your pain really does make a huge difference, I think.
I don't meditate but I do pray. Praying for others makes me feel better. Sometimes, when I can't fall right to sleep, I'll start praying for friends and family and I doze off...with a peaceful smile on my face. Praying calms me, relaxes me, and helps me know that things will be alright.
I hope some of this will help you. Please don't let fibromyalgia run your life. Kick it in the butt! Find things that DO help you. I gave you a couple of alternative ideas. Gentle exercise helps a lot...things like walking, swimming, yoga. Stretching exercises help and keeping moving helps you from getting so stiff and having even more pain. If you have a desk job, there are stretching exercises in Fibro 101 that you do sitting down. People wouldn't even know what you were doing. Once you do get in control of the pain, you can have a full and enjoyable life in spite of this illness. I've done things I never thought I would be able to do but I always try and, so far,I have been able to do them.
So do get in control of your pain. I know other members will have good suggestions, too. Let us know how you are doing, too.