Posted 11/13/2013 7:07 AM (GMT 0)
Hi! So... I said I would update after my last test. The rheumatologist cleared me for now...other than an elevated ANA (1:160 speckled), all blood work is normal. I don't show muscle damage, inflammation or antibodies.
First specialist...ruled out her end, too. No MS, clear MRI, blood work is good. B12 is low-normal but MMA good. I started seeing these two in May...and had two car accidents in a week (plus the tremors started to get really bad).
Second neuro...neuro-muscular expert...said they already did the blood work he would do. He suggested a nerve test and that came out normal. He said, of course, there is nothing to compare it to. We ruled out major nerve/muscle disease.
Next is a skin biopsy to check for small fiber neuropathy (which I've read has a connection to Fibro). If that is normal, he is clearing me too.
I guess at that point I'm given a clean bill of heath, eh? ;)
I'm contemplating seeing an endocrinologist next, just in case. Or...we can just call this Fibro for now and see what develops?
(Symptoms: tingling, numbness, extreme muscle fatigue, exercise intolerance, cold sensitivity, heat sensitivity, skin hurts, aching throughout body...esp in arms/shoulders, chest/ribcage pain, foot pain. Classic symptoms. Can't grocery shop, do dishes, fold laundry...driving requires alot of concentration).
I really miss swimming and running. Alot. :(