Wow I am sorry to hear about
this neck pain, I have had pressure and nerve pain left side by the lesser occipital nerve. I softly massage the pain is 8 tolerable but in short spurts. I makes the nerve up the back to the temple which is another soft massage spot. Chiro's won't take me & i'm ok with that if it works for others don't change it, to be in less pain & have more range of motion
. I have had my pain centered base of head spread down my chest now @ bottom of rib cage from front to back facial pain, stinging,numbness, burning eye, swollen cheek sinus (fluid). I am going to my Neuro today my pain is spreading I would like to discuss possible referral to infectious diseases dr maybe that would help to get in to a local 1. My facial & eye symptoms are still there and getting worse. Also my breakthrough med need something with no APAP my liver levels elevated already. I hope you find relief soon and it lasts!