Where to start..here is my story. I have always been one who needs lots of sleep, way more than the average person and it's always affected my life but I have managed. I have three kids and followed that adage sleep when they sleep, plus I would sleep when dh got home etc and so on. I was always sore and achey but blamed it on poor muscle tone from having kids, caring kids, bad mattress, etc. I had severe migraines and have been seeking treatment for these for 13 years.
I have been on about
every preventative under the sun and tried Botox several times. It only caused other muscles to knot up.
Besides my migraines and extreme fatigue my main complaint is constraint pain in my neck shoulders and midd back. My neurologist did the trigger point test for fibro and I had 15 out of 18 but some were just tender. Can this be fibro? Like my knees will not hurt for weeks then flare up bad for a couple of days same with my elbows, my neck and shoulders are the only consistent areas is this normal ? The other parts of my body seem to take turns.
It's frustrating because one day I have the heating pad on joy knee the next on my wrist etc. dh is always saying that there is always something wrong with me :-(. Luckily I guess I don't work and I can still do the things that HAVE to be done. I just am often missing out on everything else because I don't feel well or am too tired.
I also have almost all the other symptoms on the list so the nuero is pretty sure that I have fibro. I am waiting on them to schedule a sleep study. He said hopefully that shows something, if not we will move on to the MRI to check for MS :-( that scared me.
He mentioned that we may want to switch some of my meds that are tailored toward migraine prevention right now, to also help with fibro he mentioned lyrica or cymbalta. I hate the switching from one med to another process.... But if it helps.
So currently I am on the following meds daily 100mg topomax 200 zonegran 40 Prozac 200 provigil ( just started that one today)
And as needed
Like I said I started the provigil today. I really hope it helps with the tiredness. Last night was a rough night so I don't know if anything would help me much today...
I typed a novel, and didn't really ask or say much I guess I just wondered if anyone else felt like I do or had taken any of the medicines my doc has me on with any success or failure, and how you took them he just has as needed. I was taking for migraine Pain. but if I am taking for body pain do I take differently?
Sorry I am rambling but I am feeling so lost, and trying to do everything I can think of to feel better. It so hard when my husband goes back and forth between thinking I am dying ( afraid I have cancer or something) and being pissed that I am still laying on the couch at 2 pm. My kids are bringing me food and drinks when I am having a bad spell and taking care of me!!!!!! That is not how it's supposed to be!!!